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A2P Messaging

Telarix's A2P Messaging platform offers carriers a flexible and agnostic system that adjusts to any business model, ranging from being completely outsourced to becoming a full-scale aggregator.


Market Challenges

Carriers are increasingly interested in serving enterprises and are seeking solutions to improve their consumers’ experience through A2P business messages. To navigate through this new landscape, they will need to have the right tools to handle multiple B2B relationships, apply new commercial models and be able to quickly adapt based on various business needs.

Carriers face a decision which needs to be taken regarding the business models and architecture needed to deploy for A2P messaging. These range from fully outsourcing to in-house solutions. Carriers must consider a multitude of factors including time to market, short and longer-term profitability, and the ability to adapt to the changing market and business conditions. They are seeking to become more efficient, decrease internal costs and maximize margins.


A2P messaging is evolving and maturing, as it still presents the most powerful non-voice communication channel to connect enterprise businesses to mobile consumers. While carriers are increasingly trying to capitalize on this opportunity, alternative channels through OTT applications, such as WhatsApp, are gaining market share. These OTTs are experiencing growth in their user bases globally and enabling enterprises to benefit from customer interactivity.



The evolution of the A2P business introduces new needs from enterprises, consumers, and new players. Although some carriers chose to outsource their A2P business, there is a concern around the devaluation of the network. By integrating the concept of customer experience with the offer, carriers can differentiate themselves and deliver a unique value proposition. The risk of giving this control away to third parties is just too high.



Take Ownership of the A2P Business

Our A2P Messaging solution offers Carriers an enterprise-enabled service adherent to any chosen business model, allowing them to reclaim ownership of the messaging ecosystem.

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Business benefits

Captures the core capabilities required to drive trading, routing, rating and billing, regardless of the business model applied by the Carriers, from outsourcing to insourcing.

  • Compete with aggregators in the messaging market.
  • Consolidate market relevance with a long-term strategy to introduce RCS.
  • Drive efficiency with a single platform that manages both messaging and voice.
  • Automated A2P price list exchange and perform easy cost assessment.
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Your A2P Messaging Journey Begins Here

Find out why Carriers can't afford to miss out on this opportunity.



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